
Which is purrtiest?

Posted by Kim Haskins on

Over 100 people kindly offered their opinion on and over which print of my painting 'Purrty' was most appealing to them: the one with punchy, bright colours or the one with soft pastel hues? Around 30% opted for the latter, which means that a print of 'Purrty' in her most vivid form will be trialled as a poster print and greetings card which will go on sale on the website on 20 June 2016. The other image may be printed later in the year. 'Purrty' is originally a painting on gold leaf with a coating of resin over...

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Abington & Augustina

Posted by Kim Haskins on

This was a commissioned painting inspired by an older painting of mine called 'Can I Help You?'

Abington and Augustina by Kim Haskins Can I Help You? by Kim Haskins

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Four cats - Barisha, Fabergé, Bagheera & Chocolate

Posted by Kim Haskins on

After a tedious month-long flu-athon in our house, I was itching to get back to the easel and start work on this 30 x 30" commissioned painting of Barisha, Fabergé, Chocolate and Bagheera. I used metallic colours and a shimmery silver background, which prettily catches the light and, I think, does justice to these beautiful and much-loved felines. With thanks to Sarah who commissioned this painting...

Barisha, Febergé, Bagheera and Chocolate - commissioned painting of four cats by Kim Haskins

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Ornaments made with resin, gold leaf and love ♥

Posted by Kim Haskins on

Elska ornament by Kim Haskins Cariad ornament by Kim Haskins

I've been experimenting with new techniques recently, including applying resin (a two-part epoxy resin system from Pebeo), gold leaf and enamel-effect paint to my artwork. In particular I've been trying out my experiments on ornaments (which had proved to be a huge success at Christmas so I've decided to continue making them year-round). Each is hand-painted by me onto a plywood or polymer shape which is then embellished with metal leaf, metallic paint, glitter and / or enamel-effect paint...


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Santa cat lookalike

Posted by Kim Haskins on

It's been my busiest Christmas season ever, with lots of commissions, shop orders and bespoke decorations to make and deliver to customers from Norway to New Zealand and the Scottish Highlands to Honduras. Time has now run out for placing orders in time for Christmas but before I wind down for the festive season, here's a beautiful lookalike of one of my hand-painted Christmas decorations. She's called Tammy and her human is the talented Claireabellemakes from Cambridge. If you have a photo of a painting or decoration by me that looks like a furry companion, please do share it with...

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