AliBaba and the art thieves
Posted by Kim Haskins on
Six years ago I quit my job to become a full-time artist. Obviously, I wasn’t expecting to make a fortune, but it was (and is!) my passion, and I love doing what I do. A lot of my work is painting cats - humorous pictures which make people smile. (I don’t just do cats - I do birds and dogs and chickens and, well, lots of stuff. But the cats are very popular.) It’s commercial art - although it’s not high-falutin, any artist will tell you a little sliver of their soul goes into everything they do. The only way...
Six fluffy faces
Posted by Kim Haskins on
Recent commission of six beloved cats on a 12 x 16" canvas - Welly, Max, Ceejay, William, Olly & Jasper: It was a joy to paint so many fluffy faces! (Sadly due to some unpleasant internet types stealing my images to use on manufactured products I have to watermark them from now on - I'll explain more about this horrible experience in a future blog post)
Which is purrtiest?
Posted by Kim Haskins on
Over 100 people kindly offered their opinion on and over which print of my painting 'Purrty' was most appealing to them: the one with punchy, bright colours or the one with soft pastel hues? Around 30% opted for the latter, which means that a print of 'Purrty' in her most vivid form will be trialled as a poster print and greetings card which will go on sale on the website on 20 June 2016. The other image may be printed later in the year. 'Purrty' is originally a painting on gold leaf with a coating of resin over...
Abington & Augustina
Posted by Kim Haskins on
This was a commissioned painting inspired by an older painting of mine called 'Can I Help You?'
Four cats - Barisha, Fabergé, Bagheera & Chocolate
Posted by Kim Haskins on
After a tedious month-long flu-athon in our house, I was itching to get back to the easel and start work on this 30 x 30" commissioned painting of Barisha, Fabergé, Chocolate and Bagheera. I used metallic colours and a shimmery silver background, which prettily catches the light and, I think, does justice to these beautiful and much-loved felines. With thanks to Sarah who commissioned this painting...