Here's a video of cheerful art I made in a very weird year. I'd be delighted if my pictures bring you joy or inspire you to have a go at painting funny-looking animals too.
For reasons you can probably imagine, this was not a highly productive year for me. It's interesting to look at the paintings I did and notice that my subjects were mainly solitary creatures - there were no group paintings, so I guess my cats and birds were practising social distancing on the canvas. Unintentionally I also seemed to use a much broader palette of colours and created way more rainbow kitties than usual, perhaps inspired by the rainbow paintings hanging in windows around my neighbourhood.
I plan to be bolder with my art in 2021 and explore more subjects and techniques. Yes, that means more dogs! If patience and technology permit, I will also upload more videos of me doing these experiments as well as painting the crazy fluffy cats that have become my go-to comfort creations.
So please subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on social media if you're interested in seeing more and do let me know if you plan any artistic experiments yourself as I'm always interested in hearing what other artists are up to (including and perhaps especially non-professionals).
Thanks to everyone who supports me and my work. The world would have a lot fewer paintings of sweet and bonkers-looking fluffy cats in it without you.
Visit for more info about paintings, prints and merchandise.
Sending my sincerest best wishes to you for 2021.
Kim x
Joyful creatures I created in 2020
Posted by Kim Haskins on
I have eight of your cat prints now and I hope to collect more; though I need to wait until they’re on sale. Your cats always make me laugh and remind me so much of my cats. I also do cat fostering and rescue. I have adored cats since I was a small child. When I was four, my mother said every night I would end my prayers with “…and God, please make me a cat”. I didn’t want to be one, I just wanted God to make one for me! Now I have nine and love them all dearly.
I simply love each and every picture you draw! I found your paintings on the iCanvas website and have ordered 23 of your cat pictures! I have ordered lots of your cards from England as well. I just remembered that I placed an order a couple of weeks ago that I am waiting on with cups and other items…all cats, of course.keep up the fantastic work!!
Marsha from El Paso, Texas